Category Archives: Brokers

Renovation-Radio Interview: Skip Schenker Of The Renovation Lending Institute Talks With Chico, CA Buyer’s Agent Tara Taylor About Her Clients FHA 203k Renovation Loan (Audio)

Chico Realtor Tara Taylor

Skip Schenker talks with Chico, CA realtor Tara Taylor about a recently completed FHA 203k Renovation loan transaction for her buyer. The home did not have an operable kitchen and needed repairs that the seller, a bank, would not complete.


Skip Schenker Of The Renovation Lending Institute Talks With Chico, CA Realtor Sandi Bauman About FHA 203k Renovation Transactions

Chico Real Estate Specialist Sandi Bauman

Skip Schenker of the Renovation Lending Institute talks with Sandi Bauman about a recently completed FHA 203k renovation loan transaction where Skip was the loan officer. She had previously “run away” from offers with FHA 203k financing and is now very positive towards these transactions if the loan officer is Renovation Lending certified. Skip Schenker Talks With Real Estate Alliance CEO And Broker Jeff Russell At A Toys For Tots Event


Skip Schenker of the Renovation Lending Institute with Jeff Russell, CEO and Broker of Real Estate Alliance on Dec. 23 at a Toys For Tots event.

Skip Schenker talks with Jeff Russell, Broker and CEO of Real Estate Alliance in Pasadena, CA on December 23 at a Toys For Tots event that benefitted dozens of local children in need.